Forum Etiquette for

Started by Rudy, Jun 28, 2024, 01:52 PM

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Welcome to!

To ensure that all discussions are productive and respectful, we ask all members to adhere to the following guidelines. By following these simple rules, you will help create a friendly and inviting community where everyone feels welcome and respected.

The Do's:

Be respectful: Treat all forum members with respect, no matter how much you agree or disagree with their opinions. Respectful discussions lead to greater understanding and appreciation of diverse points of view.

Use clear language: Write clearly and understandably. To avoid misunderstandings, avoid jargon and abbreviations that are not commonly known.

Provide useful information: Share your knowledge and experiences. If you share information or tips, make sure they are relevant and helpful to the discussion.

Use the search function: Before starting a new discussion, use the search function to avoid duplicate threads. This helps to keep the forum organized and clear.

Report issues: If you see inappropriate behavior, please use the report feature. This helps moderators take quick action and keep the forum safe and welcoming.

The Don'ts:

Avoid personal attacks: Focus on the content of the post and not the person. Personal attacks, name-calling or other disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.

Do not use offensive language: Swear words, obscenities or hate speech in any form are strictly prohibited and may result in ban from the forum.

Don't spam: Any commercial messages or unsolicited advertising are not allowed. Do not use the forum for personal promotion or sale of products.

Do not share other people's personal information: Respect the privacy of others. Unauthorized sharing of personal information, including but not limited to emails, addresses, phone numbers, is not permitted.

Do not use multiple accounts: The use of more than one account per person is not permitted without express permission from the moderators.

How to stay respectful in discussions:

Listen actively: Try to understand the arguments and positions of others, even if you disagree with them.
Be constructive: Provide constructive criticism and suggestions. When you criticize, also offer possible solutions.

Keep emotions in check: Online discussions can sometimes get heated. If you find yourself getting frustrated, take a break and don't react in anger.

By following these guidelines, you will contribute to a healthy and stimulating discussion environment on Let's work together to make our forum a place where ideas can flow freely within the boundaries of respect and mutual understanding.
Een goed debat is geen gevecht, maar een dans van ideeën. Respect voor elkaars mening is de melodie die het ritme bepaalt.