Pine Gap readies for U.S nuclear war

Started by Rudy, Aug 23, 2024, 12:23 PM

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The rapid expansion of the Pine Gap satellite surveillance base near Alice Springs, from 35 to 45 satellite dishes, is designed to give the US the edge in a potential nuclear war with China.

Where desert oaks and spinifex tufts once baked in the Central Australian sun, three new white domes have mushroomed in a 14 hectare clearing along the western edge of the US's 'most important surveillance base' in the world.

Under huge plastic radomes, three of Pine Gap's ten new satellite dishes have been built to receive information from a new generation of US spy satellites that bring a heightened level of surveillance of China's nuclear missile launch sites at a time of increasing confrontation between China, and the US and its allies.

Thermal imaging satellites presently used by the Pine Gap base are able to detect rocket and missile launches in the battlefields of Gaza and Ukraine, as I have earlier reported, but the greatest interest of the new satellite dishes at the base are missile launches from China.

A new generation of 'eyes-in-the-sky', known as Overhead Persistent InfraRed (OPIR) satellites, will soon be launched by the US military to augment the existing satellites of the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS). These satellites are designed to detect the thermal signatures of rocket and missile launches, using immensely sensitive infra-red sensors.

Read the full story here

What do you think, are we seeing the beginning of a new arms race? Or worse, a Nuclear war?
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